If you have any questions or concerns, email our enrollment team at enrollments@synergyk12.com
Contact enrollments@synergyk12.com to schedule a tour of our beautiful campus!
Our VPK through 5th Grade Elementary Campus is located at 5200 Oleander Ave. Fort Pierce, FL 34982
Our 6th through 12th Grade High School & Middle School Campus is located at 2810 South US HWY 1 Fort Pierce, FL 34982
The mission of Synergy Magnet is to provide an excellent education for all students, in a safe environment.
Our mandate is to develop a learning environment that targets the physical and emotional needs of every student by tapping into their interests and talents through career skills trades as well as exposing them to a unique style of blended classes and gamification to make learning fun again.
© 2022-2023 by Synergy Magnet K-12 | Web Design by Tradewinds United Media