Synergy Magnet K-12

From Enrollment to Employment

Drone Tech

Students will be immersed in the real world application of drone flight and drone technology through the use of drone simulator training, engineering, flight mechanics, and piloting.  Students will fly drones through the same software simulator used by the pros, and will get hands-on experience flying real drones in a competitive environment.  Drone cohorts will collaborate with each individual taking the role of pilot, mechanic, engineer, and designer. This is a valuable foundational course for students interested in pursuing their FAA 107 pilot’s license.



DroneBlocks teaches STEAM and the real world application of drone technology through the DroneBlocks Curriculum and simulator by using Tello Drones.  Students will apply computer science principles through a suite of software and will learn industry skills that can be used in drone flight careers.  Students will collaborate in teams to create positive outcomes using technology as a tool in engaging STEAM experiences.

“Drones are a great way to teach students about mapping, aerial photography, and math concepts that are often taught in schools, but in isolation.  What I mean by this is that in traditional education, concepts are pulled apart and taught as skill sets in a stand alone format, but that then relies on the student to put them back together before being able to apply them to real life situations.  Instead, if students are given experiential opportunities alongside skill acquisition, they form the connections as they go, and then applying the skills comes naturally.  Flying drones is the perfect example of this.”

Trinity Chen

Quote from her Women in Drones Symposium Presentation

DroneBlocks teaches STEAM and the real world application of drone technology through the DroneBlocks Curriculum and simulator by using Tello Drones.  Students will apply computer science principles through a suite of software and will learn industry skills that can be used in drone flight careers.  Students will collaborate in teams to create positive outcomes using technology as a tool in engaging STEAM experiences.

This is a program that provides a full battery of courses for high school credit in the areas of:
Students in this program go on to careers in the areas of: