Parent / Student Resources
Drop off and Pickup
Non-registered Drop off/Pick up
- Student drop off begins at 8:15
- After 9:00am student is tardy
- Early release NO LATER than 2:30pm
- Car riders will only be released after bus dismissal
- Must have Florida driver’s license, waiver forms and parking tag
- Free limited bus / van transportation
- Community stops only
Beforecare and Aftercare
Drop off/Pick up Monday – Friday
- Free 6th-12th Grade (Limited Space Available!)
- Morning Care hours: 7AM – 8:30AM
- Aftercare hours: 3PM – 5:30PM
- Enrichment tutoring clubs!
Tuition Policy & Curriculum Fees
A 10% discount for each enrolled sibling that is enrolled.
School Supply List
Coming Soon
Food Services
We recognize that good nutrition and regular physical activity affect the health and well-being of all students. Therefore, we are committed to creating a school environment that promotes and protects the overall well-being of all students and staff alike. Our guidelines encourage an all-inclusive wellness approach.