Synergy K-12 Food Program
- Hundreds of FREE meals given to students each day
- Breakfast, Lunch, and Snack provided every day to students
Synergy Magnet K-12 recognizes that good nutrition and regular physical activity affect the health and well-being of all students. Therefore, we are committed to creating a school environment that promotes and protects the overall well-being of all students and staff alike. The guidelines listed below encourage an all-inclusive wellness approach that is indigenous to individual and community needs.

Why Synergy's Meal Program Works For You
Are you struggling with school meals debt?
Breakfast, lunch, and snack meals are provided at no cost to students.
Is your child struggling with a lack of academic motivation due to hunger?
Studies show that children that eat healthier meals could focus and perform both academically and physically.
Are you concerned that your child does not get enough nutrition and healthy foods daily?
School meals meet the USDA nutrition guidelines. They are healthy and nutritionally balanced enabling students to make healthier food choices.
Do you find it overwhelming to have to weekly food stop, stand in line at the grocers, spend hard-earned money to ensure your child has school meals?
School meals provide parents with peace of mind, more family time, and money saved.
Are you looking for a school that can provide breakfast, lunch, and snack meals to children?
Breakfast, lunch, and snack meals are provided to enrolled students.
Lots of American families struggle with meal debt.
Breakfast, lunch, and snack meals are provided at no cost to students or the school.
Many American children struggle with lack of academic motivation due to hunger?
Studies show that students that eat healthier meals have more classroom participation, ability to focus and test both academically and physically higher than children who do not.
Have you ever noticed when looking into a student’s lunch box that it was empty or full of junk food?
National School food program ensures all children eat every day and the food selection does not wire the students up or become lethargic.
Many parents find it overwhelming to have to weekly food stop, stand in line at the grocers, spend hard-earned money to ensure your child has school meals?
School meals provide parents with peace of mind, more family time, and money saved.
Are you tired of not being competitive because you cannot offer school meals at an affordable rate to students?
New potential families are more attracted to schools that have a meal program. More students stay in the school where the National School Lunch meals are provided.